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Will It Be the Game Changer? The Dream Energy: Nuclear Fusion Power

Sep. 15 (Fri)
Smart Energy Week Special Session
Industry Trends and Industrialization of Fusion Energy (Nuclear Fusion)
Taka Nagao
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer,

Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd.

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Fusion energy (nuclear fusion) is considered to be the ultimate energy source for human beings amidst calls for decarbonization in recent years. Our company was established in 2019 based on the reactor engineering technology researched at Kyoto University, aiming for the early realization of fusion energy and the creation of the nuclear fusion industry. I will be introducing industry trends and global business development in the fusion industry.


Building a Hydrogen Supply Chain: Outlook and Current Situation

Sep. 14 (Thu)
Keynote Session
Current Status and Challenges of the Hydrogen Industry
Hiroshi Fukushima
Executive Director,

Japan Hydrogen Association

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Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A) is working to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 with focusing on hydrogen. This lecture describes the direction of the JH2A activities and its approach based on domestic and international trends.


Contribution to Carbon Neutrality
Norimasa Matsuoka
Senior Vice President,
Frontier Business Div.,
Chiyoda Corp.

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A comprehensive engineering company that has been providing concrete solutions to energy and environmental problems, will introduce its role to play in the coming era, along with examples of ongoing efforts on the development and commercialization of new technologies such as LOHC and CCU .


Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050: At the Forefront of Hydrogen Utilization

Sep. 15 (Fri)
Special Session
Chubu Area Hydrogen and Ammonia Supply Chain Vision -- Social Implementation in the Chubu Area --
Tomohiro Yamaguchi
Executive Director, Technical Matters,
Bureau of Economy and Industry,
Aichi Prefectural Government

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In March 2023, we formulated the "Chubu Area Hydrogen and Ammonia Supply Chain Vision" in an organization which promotes hydrogen and ammonia social implementation in central Japan chaired by the Governor of Aichi Prefecture.
I will introduce the outline of this vision and the efforts toward the social implementation of hydrogen and ammonia in the Chubu area.


JFE Steel's Challenges toward Carbon-neutral
Hiroyuki Tezuka

JFE Steel Co.

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Being in a steel industey, which is regardded as a hard to abate sector, JFE Steel has set-up the carbon neutral sterategy toward 2050. Its efforts and challnges are updated with the most recent developments.

<Speaker Profile>

Mr.Tezuka is the Fellow (Climate Change) at JFE Steel Corporation and the Chairman of Energy Technology Committee at Japan Iron & Steel Federation. Since 2007, Mr.Tezuka has been in charge of Climate Change issues and involved in environmental and energy policy issues in steel industry. On international front, he chaired the Environment Committee at worldsteel Association, and has been chairing the WG on Global Environmental Strategy at Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), as well as the Public & Private Collaborative Meeting between Indian and Japanese Iron & Steel Industry. From March 2021, he started serving as the Vice Chair at Environment & Energy Committee at OECD-BIAC (Business & Industry Advisory Committee). Mr.Tezuka received MBA from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and BE on Applied Physics from The University of Tokyo


Prospects for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050

Sep. 13 (Wed)
Keynote Session
Outlook for Photovoltaics
Takafumi Ushio
Deputy Director,
New and Renewable Energy Div., Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Dept., Agency for Natural Resources and Energy,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Toward Achieving GHG Net Zero by 2050 --Expectations for Solar PV--
Yuki Izumi
Deputy Director,
Climate Change Policy Div., Global Environmental Bureau,
Ministry of the Environment

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Introduction of Japan's movement toward GHG net zero and the efforts of the Ministry of the Environment regarding expanding of renewable energy.


Perovskite Solar Cells Today: Will They Be a Key Player in Next-Generation Energy?

Sep. 14 (Thu)
Special Session
NEDO's Photovoltaic Initiatives such as Perovskite Solar Cells
Mitsuhiro Yamazaki
New Energy Technology Dept., Solar Energy Systems,
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

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In addition to NEDO's current efforts to develop perovskite solar cell technology, the seminar will also introduce various solar cell and system-related and other photovoltaic power generation-related technology development efforts.


The Challenge of Bringing Perovskite Solar Cells towards Market
Naoya Kato
Co-founder CEO,

EneCoat Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Perovskite solar cells are making steady progress towards practical applications. In this presentation, Enecoat Technologies, a start-up from Kyoto University, will introduce the prospects and challenges for the future diffusion of perovskite solar cells, based on the latest research and development results and market trends.

<Speaker Profile>

Graduated from Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, majoring in polymer chemistry.
Worked on a number of investment projects including debt, real estate, and restructuring at Daiwa Securities, Merrill Lynch, and Citigroup. Later, as a founding member of an independent PE fund, he experienced buyout investment practice.
Since November 2016, he has been working as the person in charge of commercialization promotion of this startup project at Kyoto University Incubation Program.
In January 2018, he co-founded Enecoat Technologies, Inc. and assumed the position of Representative Director; in December 2018, he raised a seed round of funding from a fund managed by Kyoto University Innovation Capital, and launched the business.


Automotive Batteries: The Key to the Mobility Industry—Current Issues and Outlook

Sep. 14 (Thu)
Keynote Session
Advanced Technologies and Future Prospects for Automotive LiBs
Hiroyuki Akashi
Chief Technology Officer, Executive Vice President,
AESC Group Ltd.

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The global market for large lithium-ion batteries is accelerating its performance improvement and production capacity expansion in order to promote the spread of renewable energy. In this presentation, we will explain the direction of next-generation batteries, focusing on the technological evolution of lithium-ion rechargeable batteries as well as our efforts in the recycling-oriented lithium-ion battery ecosystem.

<Speaker Profile>

Dr. Akashi holds a Ph.D. (Engineering). He joined Sony Research Centre in 1992, working primarily on the development of battery technologies. Since then, Dr. Akashi has engaged in advanced LiB R&D, product development and technical strategy planning for over 30 years. He has also contributed to the research, development and commercialisation of the world's first laminated lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery. In 2009 he joined Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. as Chief Engineer of Advanced Cell Development and lead the 3rd and 4th generation cell projects for the Nissan LEAF. In 2019 he joined AESC as Corporate Vice President (Product Development), and assumed his current position as CTO in 2021.


Battery Technologies for Automotive Applications - Trends and Challenges.
Hideki Ogihara
Battery Cell, Validation

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This presentation will outline the trends and challenges that automotive companies will face when expanding further their EV portfolio to achieve mass market penetration. It will address open issues from both business and technical aspects.


Next-Generation Batteries: Manufacturer Trends Toward Practical Applications

Sep. 13 (Wed)
Special Session
Development and Commercialization of Ceramic Packaged All-Solid-State Batteries
Masayuki Yamada
Senior Manager,
Business Development Dept., New Business Producing Div.,
Maxell, Ltd.

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We have developed an all solid-state battery in a ceramic package using a sulfide-based solid electrolyte. In this presentation, the characteristics and future prospects of the ceramic packaged type all solid-state battery will be introduced.

<Speaker Profile>

Masayuki Yamada joined Hitachi Maxell, Ltd. (now Maxell, Ltd.) in April 1996, where he was engaged in R&D of phosphor and battery materials in the R&D Laboratory. In 2011, he transferred to the Energy Business Division, where he was engaged in design and development of high-energy-density lithium-ion batteries, including prismatic lithium-ion batteries using an SiO negative electrode. In 2013, he received a degree in engineering from Osaka City University's Kozuki Laboratory and has been in charge of new battery development, including all solid-state batteries, since 2016.


Sumitomo Chemical's Collaboration with Universities for Early Commercialization of Next-generation Batteries with New Approach to the Development
Naoki Inui

Kyoto University

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Solid-state batteries, in which the electrolyte of a liquid lithium-ion secondary battery is converted to a solid state, have attracted attention in recent years. The "soft-solid" type battery developed by the joint industry-academia joint research program at Kyoto University can be bonded at the interface with the electrode without applying pressure. This presentation describes the challenges and prospects for early commercialization.


Blockchain Technology Utilization

Sep. 15 (Fri)
Special Session
Energy and Blockchain (Energy Coloring, Battery Passport, etc.)

TradeLog Inc.

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Reffering the practical viewpoints for the energy industry to make the best use of blockchain technology.
- Why blockchain for the energy industry?
- 2 big domains: energy coloring and battery traceability
- Points to introduce blockchain technology for your industry

<Speaker Profile>

CEO of TradeLog Inc., a proven blockchain vendor for the mobility or energy industries
- 4 years of study in international environmental law of Europe at the Faculty of Law, Sophia University
- 15 years of experience in the marketing data industry in charge of manufacturing industries and DX support
- 5 years of experience in the founding and managing blockchain system vendor
- 4 years of experience in introducing blockchain technology to the mobility or energy industry


Future Prospects for Electric Power Systems with a View to an EV Society

Sep. 14 (Thu)
Keynote Session
Effective Use of Distributed Energy Resources by Integrating EVs and the Grid
Takahiro Takahashi
Electricity Industry & Market Office, Electricity and Gas Industry Dept., Agency for Natural Resources and Energy,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

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This presentation will introduce future directions and recent policy trends regarding "EV and grid integration" as a solution to the challenges facing the electric power system.


Future Prospects of Power Systems for EV Society
Keigo Ikezoe
Deputy General Manager,
EV System Laboratory, Research Div.,
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

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In the distributed energy society of the future, there are various expectations for the utilization of EV storage batteries from various quarters. In this performance, based on the activity examples of "Blue Switch" and "Nissan Energy Share", that Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. is leading.
This paper introduces current efforts and prospects for future social implementation of energy management for buildings, regions, and wide-area grids using EVs.


Collaboration and Synergy Between Energy and Other Industries: Towards Achieving a Decentralized Society

Sep. 15 (Fri)
Special Session/Panel Discussion
Takeshi Ito


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<Panel Discussion Details>

In Society5.0, the information network (Bit) and the power network (Watt) closely collaborate to form the neural and vascular systems of the next-generation society. Within the progressing decarbonized and decentralized power system, collaboration across various industries becomes the driving engine for industrial transformation by creating customer value. This panel discussion focuses on exploring the perspectives of real estate and housing in relation to the new power system and customer value creation.


Hiroshi Okamoto
Member of the Board and Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer,

TEPCO Power Grid Inc./
Representative Secretary,
Smart Resilience Network

Yu Ichikawa
Head of Strategic Investment Div., 4
Strategic Investment Dept.,
Kenedix, Inc.

Prospects for Wind Power in Japan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050

Sep. 14 (Thu)
Keynote Session
Introduction of Japan's Offshore Wind Policy
Takahiro Ishii
Wind Energy Policy Office, New and Renewable Energy Div., Agency for Natural Resources and Energy,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

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I will explain the current state of Japan's offshore wind policy.


For Promoting the Introduction of Offshore Wind Power Generation
Takahiro SUZUKI
Director of Ocean Development Office,
Ocean and Environmental Policy Div., Ports and Harbours Bureau,
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

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Efforts for the smooth Introduction of offshore wind power generation facilities; overview of the system for public tender of exclusive occupancy and use; and, overview of the system of base ports for construction, operation and maintenance of marine renewable energy power generation facilities will be explained.


The Ace of Renewable Energy! Exploring Japan's Offshore Wind Power at the Forefront

Sep. 13 (Wed)
Special Session(1)
Offshore Wind Power Business, Marubeni, Considering the Track Record of Akita Noshiro.
Hiroshi Tachigami
General Manager,
Off-Shore Wind & Domestic Renewable Energy Dept.,
Marubeni Corp.

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Marubeni is the front runner company among Japanese by developing and investing the offshore wind power projects in Europe from early 2010. Marubeni presents how to transfer its know-how of the development and construction into Japan market leading to the successful operation of Akita project, the first commercial offshore wind power project in Japan. Marubeni would face its future challenge for the offshore wind business in Japan targeting CN 2050.


Global and Japanese Offshore Wind Market Trends, Outlooks
Isshu Kikuma
Japan Energy Senior Associate,
Bloomberg L.P.

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Many regions are setting offshore wind targets and hosting auctions. In Japan, large-scale projects are set to come online through the government-led tenders. This session will discuss global offshore wind market trends and outlooks as well as the role of Japan's offshore wind in decarbonization.

<Speaker Profile>

Isshu Kikuma is BloombergNEF's Japan Energy Analyst. He supports the BNEF service for Japan's renewable energy and grid integration. He is the main author of BNEF's research on ammonia co-firing at coal-fired power plants in Japan. He is also a member of the voluntary carbon offset working group in Japan's Green Transformation (GX) League. He worked in the solar and sustainability fields before joining BNEF.
Isshu holds a master's degree in environmental management from Duke University and bachelor's degrees in economics and geography from the State University of New York at Geneseo (SUNY Geneseo).


Unlocking the Key to Development and Commercialization of Japan's Floating Offshore Wind Power

Sep. 15 (Fri)
Special Session(2)
Floating Wind: Towards Industrialisation
Ignacio Pantojo Titos
Floating Offshore Wind Dept., Manager,


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Review of the main challenges to be tackled by the Floating Offshore Sector to become a bankable reality. Technical, Supply Chains and industrialisation issues will be presented and potential solutions for the Floating Wind Sector will be risen to be discussed.

<Speaker Profile>

Ignacio is responsible for engaging the Floating Offshore Wind sector in order to develop and provide the best floating solution for the Offshore Floating Projects of Iberdrola.
During almost 25 years of professional experience Ignacio has participated in more than 50 projects of industrial and power generation facilities (mainly wind farms and combine cycle power plants). He has been in the Offshore Wind Sector for more than 12 years, gaining experience in technical areas, business development, preparation of call for tenders, project development and project management.
Ignacio has been involved in most of Iberdrola Offshore Wind Projects, taking part in origination, development, engineering and project management of Offshore Projects in Europe, Asia and USA.


Floating Offshore Wind and Its Potential Contribution to the Energy Transition
Marc Courtemanche
Country Manager, Equinor Japan GK,

Equinor Japan GK

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Equinor is a leading company in the energy transition and has been a major contributor to the floating offshore wind development for many years. We will speak about energy trilemma and the latest situation of floating offshore wind projects around the world and share our view on Japan market.


Corporate Management in a Carbon-Neutral Society: Exploring the Frontiers of Strategy and Implementation

Sep. 13 (Wed)
Keynote Session/Panel Discussion
Bunsho Kure

McKinsey & Company Inc.

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<Panel Discussion Details>

We are hosting panel discussion on "Decarbonization pathway towards Net Zero" - We will have panelist representing Trading house, Bank and Management Consulting firm who will share their insights
Trading house, Bank and Management Consulting firm have interaction with various industries, so they are going to share comprehensive view on decarbonization initiatives
You can expect to hear about the latest decarbonization strategy and activities from each company' s unique view point

<Speaker Profile>

Bunsho is a partner in McKinsey Tokyo office. He leads firm's Private Equity and Principal Inverstors practice with the focus on sustainability investment and financing. He holds MBA from Harvard Business School and BA in Law from Keio University.


Daisuke Nishiyama
Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Business Div., Managing Director, Head of Business Co-creation Div.,
Sustainable Business Div., Business Co-creation Div.,
MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Yasuyuki Aizawa
Office Manager,
Corporate Sustainability Office, Corporate Sustainability Dept.,

Achieving Net Zero throughout the Supply Chain

Sep. 13 (Wed)
Special Session(1)/Panel Discussion
Dexter Galvin
Chief Commercial Officer,

CDP Worldwide

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<Speaker Profile>

Dexter leads CDP's work to support companies in building a truly sustainable economy.
With a deep knowledge of Scope 3 and how companies can unlock the power of their supply chains, Dexter spearheaded CDP's Supply Chain program in 2008 - now a global membership program with far-reaching impact, including recent adoption by the U.S. federal government, the largest purchasing organization in the world.
His remit includes developing market-leading products for companies through CDP's Reporter Services team, working with CDP's accredited solutions providers (ASPs) and other partners, and utilising his passion for the standardization and harmonization of environmental reporting standards to drive meaningful corporate impact.
Dexter also sits on the advisory boards for Giki and AI for the Planet, and in 2013 he launched Action Exchange.


Hiroaki Aoki
ESG/Sustainability Champion,
Corporate Transformation Advisory, Banking, Capital Markets and Advisory,
Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc.

Tadaoki Nishimura
Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Headquarters, Head of Strategy Office,
Corporate Headquarters,
NTT DATA Group Corp.

Circular Economy: New Growth Strategies for Management in the Decarbonized Era

Sep. 14 (Thu)
Special Session(2)/Panel Discussion
Joichi Ebihara
Managing Director,
Accenture Strategy & Consulting, Strategy, Health/Public Service Lead, Japan and Sustainability Lead, Japan,
Accenture Japan Ltd.

Akihiro Inatsugi
Executive Director,
Corporate Sustainability,
Bridgestone Corp.

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<Speaker Profile>

Joined Bridgestone Corporation in 2004. Engaged in the technology development and introduction for improving environmental footprint at environmental activities promotion division. In 2010, established the environmental strategy planning function and engaged in global environmental strategy development, such as promoting carbon management, refining Environmental Mission Statement, formulating Long-term Environmental Vision. In 2015, engaged in CSR promotion activities and supervising global CSR and environmental strategy planning and promotion. In 2018, engaged in corporate planning in global HQ. In 2019, established the corporate sustainability function and promoting global sustainability activities.


Eric Kawabata
General Manager,

Loop Japan G.K./
General Manager,
TerraCycle Japan G.K.

Decarbonization, Circular Economy, and Biodiversity: Exploring Trends in Corporate Management

Sep. 15 (Fri)
Special Session(3)/Panel Discussion
Hiroyoshi Niwa
G&PS sustainability Unit Leader,
Monitor Deloitte,
Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC

Takahiko Bessho
CSV Strategy Dept.,
Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.

Keisuke Takegahara
Executive Director,
Research Institute of Capital Formation,
Development Bank of Japan Inc.

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<Panel Discussion Details>

In addition to responding to individual themes such as climate change, nature positivity, and the circular economy, it is said that strategies that comprehensively grasp these will become increasingly important. I would like to consider the background and impact of these changes.


Circular Economy in the Chemical Industry: Competitive Advantage through Business Model Transformation

Sep. 15 (Fri)
Special Session(4)
The Necessity of SX Management and The reality of Japan's chemical companies
Tomohito Akanegakubo
PwC Consulting LLC

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One of the reasons why Japanese companies have a PBR of less than 1.0 is that they are not evaluated by "long-term investors", in other words, there is a lot of skepticism about whether management is able to anticipate the sustainability trends that can occur by around 2030. In order to make a profit by aiming for sustainability management (SX management), it is important to clearly express to investors and customers the "social issues ~ medium- to long-term investment areas" that the company anticipates.
In this lecture, we will explain possible future sustainability trends (reduction of GHG emissions, circular economy, biodiversity) and issues that Japanese material and Chemical industries should address based on domestic and international case studies.

<Speaker Profile>

Joined PwC after working at a Global consulting firm and M&A advisory. Since 2006, he has specialized in the materials and chemical industry, and has experience in various projects such as business strategy/M&A strategy, PMI, digital strategy, global management, cost reduction, ERP implementation, etc.
Recently engaged in a number of projects focused on how Japanese materials and chemical industries can take advantage of sustainability trends, such as the circular economy and GHG emissions. As for related topics, he has written Nikkei MOOK's "Sustainability Transformation Strategy'' and Diamond Inc.'s "LCA will change the future of industry''.


Sep. 15 (Fri)
BASF's Leading Actions Towards Carbon Neutrality and Circularity
Bernhard von Vacano
Senior Research Fellow
Closed Loop Polymer Recycling

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BASF aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. In addition to reduction of own emissions, embracing circularity will be key to overall carbon neutrality as both are coupled. Examples of measures and approaches will be shared, contributing to a sustainable future, customer success, and the net-zero journey of the whole value chain.

<Speaker Profile>

Bernhard von Vacano joined BASF in 2008 in the company's polymer physics department. He has since held various positions in R&D, including global responsibilities for technology scouting, technical strategic topics, external collaborations and technology incubation. He is now a Senior Research Fellow, leading the program for closed loop polymer recycling research at BASF and supporting strategic corporate topics for circularity and sustainability.


This session will be a stand-alone session by PwC and BASF, but both sessions will be held at the same venue, so you can attend both sessions if you apply.
Sep. 14 (Thu)
Special Session
On the Frontline of Decarbonization Management-learn from previous case examples
Rin Shimizu
Senior Sustainability Expert
Sustainable Solution Dept.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

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In this session, we will speak with companies that are leading the way in decarbonization initiatives under the title of "the Frontline of Decarbonization Management." Why did they start to engage with decarbonization management in the first place? What issues do they face in their efforts? How did they utilize the SMBC Group's expertise to move forward? We will present the voices of those in the workplace on the frontlines to you all.


Yukimi Yamada
Energy, Resources & Infrastructure Group Research & Consulting Division
The Japan Research Institute, Ltd.

Michihiko Nakano
Managing Director


GX Human Resource Development

Sep. 15 (Fri)
Special Session
Overall picture of GX human resources that companies should develop
Shinichi TAHARA

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Many companies are working on GX, and while disclosure and target setting are on track, an increasing number of companies are facing challenges in formulating plans for implementation, building systems, and developing new businesses that incorporate decarbonization demand.
This session will show how to design the human resource portfolio needed to promote GX and introduce the skills to be acquired and human resource development methods.


For any enquiries, please contact Conference Management.
Office Hours: 10:00-18:00 (JST) excluding weekends & holidays